Thursday, 8 January 2015

Context Of Practice 2: Notes are Helpful

To formulate the essay it is obviously important to maintain notes taken from a range of sources.

General notes simply summarise the historical narrative, whilst recording useful quotes.
Occasionally I find it useful to explore ideas through image making in response to the literary information. This integration is important to maintain throughout the project as it will hopefully better inform the resolved piece/s.

Below is the first rudimentary essay plan I made, this structure is based upon the notion of triangulation; using sources to inform opinions or theories and arrive upon a conclusion.

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Context of Practice 2, Question Alteration

Having begun the process of research I have concluded that I wish to narrow my field of investigation.
Initially, my topic centred on the culture of disposability, citing the development of home video as evidence. However, after a considerable amount of research I have decided to focus on the history of home video in relation to cinema.

Thus my question becomes 'Has home video made cinema obsolete.'
While this initially seems a tenuous development, the essay and visual responses will continue to deal with social issues, relating to a Darwinistic culture of technological evolution.
Interestingly this development will be less noticeable in my visual developments as my studies have revolved around a focus of technology.